Mound City Bank Deposit Rates

Mound City Bank offers many different types of savings opportunities. Each of those options have unique interest rates that will fluctuate over time. 

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Here you will find links to explore to get a summary of our interest rates. Keeping an eye on interest rates can help you make informed financial decisions to meet your individual goals.

Rates Accurate as of February 24, 2025

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CDARS & IntraFi Rates

Certificate of Deposit - CD Option of IntraFi Network Deposits

Account Type

Early Withdrawal Penalties

Interest Rate

Annual Percentage Rate (APR)

13 Week

90 Days Interest



26 Week

90 Days Interest



52 Week

180 Days Interest



2 Year (104 Week)

360 Days Interest



3 Year (156 Week)

540 Days Interest



IntraFi High Yield Money Market

Balance Amount

Interest Rate

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

$5,000,000 - $6,999,999

1.97% *

1.99% *

$3,000,000 - $4,999,999

1.87% *

1.89% *

$1,000,000 - $2,999,999

1.77% *

1.79% *

$750,000 - $999,999

1.58% *

1.59% *

$500,000 - $749,999

1.48% *

1.49% *

$250,000 - $499,999

1.38% *

1.39% *

$0 - $249,999

0.98% *

0.99% *

CDARS: $10,000.00 minimum deposit to open and minimum balance to obtain APY. The daily balance method calculates interest applying a daily periodic rate to the principal in your account each day. The APY assumes interest on deposit until maturity. An early withdrawal penalty may be imposed on the amount withdrawn before maturity and may invade the principal. A withdrawal will reduce earnings. Interest on C.D.'s is compounded daily and credited annually and at maturity. No additional deposits allowed. For the most current interest rates and APY's call Mound City Bank at (608) 348-2685 or 1-888-622-6069. Current maximum FDIC Insurance available through CDARS network institutions is $50 million per account ownership. Maximum weekly issue per account ownership is $6 million with no more than $4 million in a single term of 4 to 52 weeks and $750,000 for longer terms. Certain aggregate bank maximums apply and may limit our acceptance of your deposit in any given week. These amounts are updated from time to time. Funds may be submitted only after a depositor enters into the CDARS Deposit Placement Agreement. The agreement contains important information and conditions regarding the placement of funds by Mound City Bank. Please read the agreement carefully before signing it. CDARS and Certificate of Deposit Account Registry Service are registered trademarks of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC.

ICS: $250,000.00 minimum deposit to open.
Placement of funds through the ICS (Insured Cash Sweep) service is subject to the terms, conditions and disclosures in the service agreements including the Deposit Placement Agreement (DPA). Please read the agreement carefully before signing it.  Limits and customer eligibility criteria apply.  Although funds are placed at designation banks in amounts that do not exceed the FDIC standard maximum deposit insurance amount (SMDIA), a depositor's balances at Mound City Bank may exceed the SMDIA (e.g.before ICS settlement for a deposit or after ICS settlement for a withdrawal). As stated in the DPA, the depositor is responsible for making necessary arrangements to protect such balances consistent with applicable law. If the depositor is subject to restrictions on placement of its funds, the depositor is responsible for determining whether its use of ICS satisfies those restrictions. ICS and Insured Cash Sweep are registered service marks of Promontory Interfinancial Network, LLC
*The rate may change after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the above accounts. Daily balance method calculates interest by applying a daily periodic rate to the principal in your account each day.

Certificate of Deposit

Certificate of Deposit Options (1)

Minimum Deposit

Early With­drawal Penal­ties (5)

Interest Rate

Annual Percent­age Yield (APY)

6 Month CD (2)


1 mo. Interest



1 Year CD(2)


3 mos. Interest



7 Month CD (3 & 4)


3 mo. Interest



15 Month CD (3 & 4)


3 mos. Interest



18 Month Add On CD


6 mos. Interest



2 Year CD


6 mos. Interest



25 Month CD (4)


6 mos. Interest



30 Month Step Up CD (4)


6 mos. Interest



3 Year CD


6 mos. Interest



4 Year CD (4)


12 mos. Interest



5 Year CD (4)


12 mos. Interest



18 Month Add - On CD: Unlimited deposits. Minimum add-on deposit $25.00. No deposits 7 days before maturity. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day that we receive the deposit of non-cash items(for example, checks).

30 Month Step Up CD: Step Up Option: During the term of your Step Up Certificate of Deposit(CD), you are permitted to make a one-time request to adjust your interest rate at your discretion. Your request to adjust your interest rate is limited to the rate in effect for the Step Up CD at the time of your request. You must make such a request in writing on a form we will provide. When you elect to exercise the Step Up Option, the new interest rate will be paid for the remaining term of your CD. A one-time interest rate increase will not extend the original maturity date of your CD. Interest rates are not tied to an index. Interest rates are established at the discretion of Mound City Bank. Mound City Bank makes no guarantee that you will ever be able to exercise this option since we have no way of predicting future interest rates. Minimum deposit and minimum balance of $5,000 to receive the current interest rate.

* The rate may change after the account is opened.
Unless noted all CD and IRA rates are fixed until maturity.
1 All CD's & IRA's: The daily balance method calculates interest by applying a daily periodic rate to the principal in your account each day. The APY assumes interest on deposit until maturity. 
2 Interest on 6 Month CD and 1 Year CD is compounded and credited at maturity.
3 Must have a checking relationship or new money.
4 Interest on 7 Month CD Special, 11 Month CD Special, 25 Month CD Special, 30 Month Step Up CD, 4 Year CD and 5 Year CD is compounded and credited quarterly and at maturity.
5 We will charge the penalty first against any interest then in the account, and any excess will be deducted from the amount you withdraw.

CD's: Interest on CD's is compounded and credited annually and at maturity unless otherwise noted. No additional deposits allowed except as disclosed above.

IRA's: Interest on IRA's is compounded and credited semi-annually and at maturity. Deposit limits apply. No deposits 7 days before maturity. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day that we receive the deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks).

Contact us to assist you with your investment needs.

Checking Account Interest Rates

Account Type

Min. Bal. to Obtain APY

Min. to Open

Interest Rate

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

Fabulous 50 Interest Checking





Payday Interest Checking





Platinum Interest Checking

$1,500 and over





$0 - $1,499




Health Savings Account Checking (HSA)

$10,000 and over




  $2,500 - $9,999




  $1,000 - $2,499  



Non Profit Interest Checking

$1,500 and over




  $0 - $1,499  



Business Interest Checking





*The rate may change after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the above accounts. Daily balance method calculates interest applying a daily periodic rate to the principal in your account each day.

Savings Rates

Savings Account Interest Rates

Minimum opening deposit of only $25.

Account Type

Min. Bal.* to Obtain API

Interest Rate**

Annual Percent­age Yield (APY)**

My Savings


0.10% *

0.10% *

Non Profit Statement Savings


0.10% *

0.10% *

Business Savings


0.10% *

0.10% *

* The Daily Balance Method calculates interest applying a daily periodic rate to the principal in your account each day.

** The rate may change after the account is open

Fees could reduce earnings on the above accounts.

Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Rates

Account Type

Early Withdrawal Penalties

Interest Rate

Annual Percent­age Yield (APY)

18 Month Variable Rate

3 mos. Interest



36 Month Fixed Rate

6 mos. Interest



48 Month Variable Rate

12 mos. Interest



60 Month Fixed Rate

12 mos. Interest



60 Month Variable Rate

12 mos. Interest



* The rate may change after the account is opened.

18 Month Variable Rate Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate - 0.10%; APY 0.10%

48 Month Variable Rate Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate - 0.20%; APY 0.20%

60 Month Variable Rate Minimum Guaranteed Interest Rate - 0.50%; APY - 0.50%

All IRA's: The daily balance method calculates interest applying a daily periodic rate to the principal in your account each day. The APY assumes interest on deposit until maturity. 
Interest on IRA's is compounded and credited semi-annually and at maturity. Deposit limits apply. No deposits 7 days before maturity. Interest begins to accrue no later than the business day that we receive the deposit of non-cash items (for example, checks). 
We will charge the penalty first against any interest then in the account, and any excess will be deducted from the amount you withdraw.

Contact us to assist you with your investment needs.

Money Market Interest Rates

My Money Market Rates

Minimum opening deposit of only $25

Balance Amount

Interest Rate

Annual Percent­age Yield (APY)

$20,000 & Over

0.30% *

0.30% *

$10,000 - $19,999

0.20% *

0.20% *

$2,500 - $9,999

0.15% *

0.15% *

$0 - $2,499

0.12% *

0.12% *

Non Profit Money Market Rates

Minimum opening deposit is only $25.

Balance Amount

Interest Rate*

Annual Percent­age Yield (APY)

$20,000 & Over

0.30% *

0.30% *

$10,000 - $19,999

0.20% *

0.20% *

$2,500 - $9,999

0.15% *

0.15% *

$0 - $2,499

0.12% *

0.12% *

Business Money Market Rates

Balance Amount

Interest Rate

Annual Percent­age Yield (APY)

$20,000 & Over

0.30% *

0.30% *

$10,000 - $19,999

0.20% *

0.20% *

$2,500 - $9,999

0.15% *

0.15% *

$0 - $2,499

0.12% *

0.12% *

High Yield Performance Plus Investment Account (PPIA)***

Minimum $20,000 Deposit To Open Account

Balance Amount

Interest Rate

Annual Percentage Yield (APY)

$5,000,000 - $6,999,999

2.07% *

2.09% *

$3,000,000 - $4,999,999

1.97% *

1.99% *

$1,000,000 - $2,999,999

1.87% *

1.89% *

$750,000 - $999,999

1.68% *

1.69% *

$500,000 - $749,999

1.58% *

1.59% *

$250,000 - $499,999

1.38% *

1.39% *

$100,000 - $249,999

0.99% *

0.99% *

$50,000 - $99,999

0.79% *

0.79% *

$20,000 - $49,999

0.35% *

0.35% *

$0 - $19,999

0.25% *

0.25% *

* The rate may change after the account is opened. Fees could reduce earnings on the above accounts. Daily balance method calculates interest applying a daily periodic rate to the principal in your account each day.